GG life with without google
GG life with without google

Googly Gooeys Life Without Google Doing Research Before Google "Sigh! I've searched a lot of books" "I was up all night & this was all I got" "I wish there was an easier way to get some info" Doing Research wit the Help of Google "Oh! I could just Google all the stuff I need!" "I was up all night & this was all I came up with" "It's so easy for me to get distracted with whatever else I wanted to search"

Have you ever imagined what life without Google would have been like?  Well, if you lived in the era of nothing but encyclopedias and library cards, then you would know.  😉   Just imagine how people solely relied on snail mail then and how we’re sooooo impatient about e-mails that don’t appear within a minute of sending now?  Notice how many milliseconds Google takes to retrieve a series of links?

These days, people think it’s easier to get things done.  They forgot about the fact that with the ease of access to info, it’s harder to sift through what has value and what’s are just a bunch of misleading websites. It also gets more and more challenging not to get distracted while you’re doing you’re trying to complete a dreaded task.  Before, your mere distraction could have just been finding yourself falling asleep in an eerily quiet corner surrounded by books, later finding yourself smelling like books.  Now, you can go on a clicking spree–jumping from one link to another!

Having said that, with whatever you’re supposed to finish today, hope you don’t get distracted as much as I do!

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Chad Young
Chad Young
10 years ago

the left one is so true! lol