Look at the Menu!


Googly Gooeys: How People Read the Menu The Graphic Artist: "Oooh! I know this font! Lovely lay-out but they could have used more elements" Anyone on a Diet: "Yikes! I ate so much today. I'm only allowed to consume 200 calories tonight!" The Photographer: "Aha! Continuous lighting & prime lens! I can easily spot the photoshop work too! Ho ho ho." The Foodie: "...and who would have thought strawberry balsamic & vinegar would go well together?" Plain Hungry: "Give me one of that & serve it quick!" “Look at the menu, what do you see?” This is probably not the question your psychologist will ask you but anything you say about anything says a lot about you ;) *Looks like someone was lazy enough to check the Thesaurus to make the previous sentence less redundant. Ha!*

Related Posts (Ooh! I didn’t notice that we already have a number of “How People” entries 😉
How I Wake Up on Weekends vs. Weekdays
How People Bond These Days
Flowers for You!
So, What are you planning to do?

..and you’ll find the rest of the food comics here.

Ponggo's Meanwhile Section : Nuffnang Blogopolis





Nuffnang Blogopolis Break-out Session A

By the way, we’re so excited to finally meet some of you! 🙂 We always felt that we wanted to share something about blogging with our readers but we just didn’t know how, when or where so we’re extremely grateful (and nervous 😀 ) to be part of the Nuffnang Blogopolis!  We’ve been invited to talk about Idea Sourcing & Content Creation.  We will be joined by Dwight Co & Mylene Chung of Pepper.ph which is cool because we’ve always loved their creative photography work & witty articles. 😀

No more hiding behind the cartoon characters. You’ll have to search for our real names–Anthony/Tippy Go here. Hehehe. Aside from the 4:15pm session, we’ll also be in the 2:45pm panel with our fellow bloggers.  We’re also actually looking forward to listening to all the speakers & panelists. We want to know their blogging secrets too! Haha. Finally, we’re excited to be reunited with the blogger friends we met at the NAPBAS last year.

Well, what are you waiting for? As of today, you have a little over a week to go. Get your tickets today! 🙂 *Quick, quick, quick! *

See you in Break-Out Session A.


Tipsy & Ponggo 😀

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